1000 mil československých – to byl zase závod, what a race! once again Emma Vališová endured it with me and this time, we had a blast! the car had absolutely no issues during the whole 3 days and extreme temperatures, to not only mine amazement.
– finished 3rd in our 750ccm category: http://1000mil.ppa.sk/result/kategorie/1/
– 2nd for the “Pezinska Baba uphill” race, well a 2 heat regularity, so I had the slowest time, but almost no difference. Kind´a “French type” racing (if you can´t win your class, than create one you can).
to the organizers, especially Miroslav Krejsa and his family, every one of my friends that took part “thank you for the oportunity, unbelievable atmosphere, unforgettable memories and I dare with humbleness look forward towards next year´s event!”
here are some of the great pictures from Michal Jakoubě, Marian Bazala, Karel Kupka and others. thank you for the awesome pics. And a tv spot, where I talk too much again: https://sport5.cz/motor/grand-prix-2019-1-1-zavod-1000-mil-ceskoslovenskych-c6658efb.html?fbclid=IwAR3_QYPSCiUmIl-2DsoQAbLzOkzBW5dfjK8ubs_WrTBxAz_-RvyJFk-Sv8M